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Videos of Surgical Procedures

Videos of Surgical Procedures

Photo of surgical procedure Photo of surgical procedure
This page provides links to prerecorded webcasts of surgical procedures. These are actual operations performed at medical centers in the United States. Please note that you cannot send in questions by email, though the webcast may say that you can, because you are not seeing these videos live.
The videos are in Flash format. You will need Flash Player to view the programs. You can download Flash Player for free at
The videos open in a second window. If you have a pop-up blocker, you will need to disable it to view the programs.

Blood, Heart and Circulation

Bones, Joints and Muscles

Brain and Nerves


Children and Teenagers

  • Circumcision

    • Circumcision (Broward Health Coral Springs, Coral Springs, FL, 3/31/2014)

Digestive System

Ear, Nose and Throat

Endocrine System

Eyes and Vision

Female Reproductive System

Genetics/Birth Defects

Injuries and Wounds

Kidneys and Urinary System

Male Reproductive System


Metabolic Problems


Sexual Health Issues

Surgery and Rehabilitation


Transplantation and Donation


These webcasts are provided to the National Library of Medicine by BroadcastMed. We welcome your comments.
Medical Information: The information provided on this site is presented for educational purposes. It is intended to support, not replace, the relationship that exists between a patient/site visitor and his/her existing physician.
This website is owned and operated by BroadcastMed. BroadcastMed is not a health care provider and does not provide medical diagnosis or treatment. BroadcastMed only provides visitors to the site with referrals to medical facilities and health care providers that may be able to assist them in their medical needs. BroadcastMed has not conducted an independent investigation or performed other due diligence functions with regard to the health care providers or medical facilities to which the referrals are made.

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